<Work Experience/>

  1. Frontend Developer @ Cuban Engineer


    Updated company’s website framework, Angular, from version 10 to version 15 and deprecated dependencies. Improved performance by 15% by replacing or updating deprecated dependencies and refactoring old code into newer standards. Improved backward version compatibility and reduced merge conflicts by following a cascade versioning system of git branches for each version update

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  2. Frontend Developer @ Wassermeloni


    Updated company’s website framework, Angular, from version 10 to version 15 and deprecated dependencies. Apply TDD concepts and fix update related broken unit tests. Create CI/CD for deployment. Improved development experience by fixing and updating +800 broken unit tests and end to end tests, by updating code and dependencies to new technologies. Improved security by replacing or updating deprecated dependencies and refactoring old code into newer standards. Improved backward compatibility and reduced merge conflicts by following a cascade versioning system of git branches for each version update. Improved deployment time and reduced costs by 50% on CI/CD by caching dependencies and improving tests

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  3. Mobile Developer @ Imagined Earth

    AngularIonicGoogle Maps

    Refactor and fix legacy code for a mobile application made with Ionic and Angular 12. Add new features like, Google Maps integrations, in app sales and in app advertising. Remake mobile app UI to new design. Building, deploying and publishing app closed tests, betas and release versions on Google Play and App Store. Improve performance of the backend API based on Laravel. Adding new API routes to include new app versions compatibility. Improved performance by reducing first page load after login from ~7 minutes to ~3 seconds, by creating a data caching algorithm, lazy loading heavy data, fixing heavy blocking code and fixing API’s algorithm and response data. Reduced company’s Google Maps costs to 10% of original by implementing a debouncing algorithm on the autocomplete search system. Improved customer retention on Google Play and App Store, by fixing navigation issues, accessibility, improving performance and reducing error messages to the UI. Reduced company’s server costs and app downtime by fixing synchronous API’s methods with heavy CPU load. Improved user experience by implementing a push notifications system

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<Personal Projects/>

Buzz Quest screenshot

Buzz Quest

"Buzz Up", a charming little game in the making! Take on the role of a determined bee on a sweet mission—collect as much honey as you can and zip back to the hive in record time. Embark on a vertical flight, navigating the skies while dodging obstacles and outsmarting pesky bugs that stand between you and the golden nectar. It's a race against the clock to gather the most honey and secure your place as the hive's top pollinator! "Buzz Up" offers a brief but exhilarating experience, perfect for a quick gaming session lasting less than 5 minutes. Dive into this delightful adventure, and let the buzz-worthy journey begin! 🐝🍯

Programmer survey web app

Programmer Level Survey

Used by +100 developers. Single Page Application with a collection of random questions about programming languages, only JavaScript questions for now, each question is separated in ranges of junior to senior and has several possible answers. Users get their approximated level on the language and learn what they are missing. I used Firebase for hosting and database to get easy access to analytics. The objective is to give students or juniors a clear view of their level and what they must learn.

Terminal logs formatter

Format logs

It is a flexible and light formatter for terminal logs for Node.js projects.

2D game based on feudal alloy

Zablek's Siege

A 2D adventure RPG game inspired in Salt and Sanctuary and Feudal Alloy. A large game which I am developing one step at a time as Solo Indie Developer on my free time. I have created all the assets except for the music and some backgrounds sprites. I have learned a lot about game development with this project.

Real time web chat application


Realtime web chat application with user to user and rooms settings. Used nothing more than Vanilla JavaScript and Socket.IO for the frontend, for the backend I used Express to manage the routes. Currently is down for a change in the backend hosting server and design.

Todo web application

Epic Todo App

Todo App single page application (SPA). It has user authentication by email/password or with Google account. Tasks are saved in local cache and in Firebase Cloud Storage. Task descriptions count with rich text features and drag and drop for organization. Final project of CS50 course.


<Featured Posts/>

Visual Studio Code with the sorting project open, Node.js on the left, Go on the right.

Node.Js vs Go Which Has The Best Performance

Benchmarking sorting algorithms, Bubble Sort and Merge Sort, using Node.js and Go

Photo by Mohammad Rahmani on Unsplash.

How To Make a System/Light/Dark Theme Selector

A tutorial on how to create a theme selector for your website or app using only HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

JavaScript class and Module Pattern examples side by side.

Module Design Pattern vs Classes in JavaScript

A few examples about the use and differences between Module Pattern and Classes in JavaScript.
